Advertising is SO over (and if that sounds like your teenage daughter speaking, please bear in mind that she'll be your core consumer in ten years' time).
The Naked Brand encapsulates everything we have been saying about the future of advertising since HelpHound was founded back in 2006. Here are just some of the words of wisdom...
"Real-time, up-to-the-second, truth."
"Does it happen to [your business] or do you participate?"
"The choice: stop the revolution or participate."

"Turn confrontation in conversation."
"Clear is the new clever - clever doesn't work any more."
"Invest more in your product and less in your advertising."
"Transparency is no longer a choice."
"Change is hard when you are a successful business - but it's a must."
"No more fake conversations."
And: "Ratings and reviews will be projected wherever we want."
Our review of The Naked Brand
Great video, great research, great talking heads; only one slight flaw: the focus, yet again almost entirely on products. Consumers like product reviews, in some cases LOVE product reviews, but they NEED reviews of SERVICES even more.
There is a time about half way through the video where the core message ('listen and react to what your customers are saying') risks getting confused with the green message, but we loved some of the examples (Pepsi and Chanel - guess who wins that one?) and the way Zappos call-centre staff interact with their customers - and we were delighted to see our old friend United Breaks Guitars make a guest appearance.
But the point comes across loud and clear: engage with your customers and use that engagement to drive your business's success. This video is a must-watch for anyone involved in marketing at any level.
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