Monday, 27 January 2014

Five questions estate agents ask

Here are the five core questions asked by almost every estate agent before they join:

Question 1: Will we get more enquiries? 

Answer: Yes. Your prospective clients are actively looking for reviews, give them those reviews in a verified and credible format and they will make that crucial initial contact.

Question 2: Will we get more conversions?

Answer: Yes. Show reviews to potential clients and they are more likely to convert.

Question 3: Will Dialogue aid client retention?

Answer: Yes. Send the invitation to review to your ongoing clients (landlords, for instance) on a regular basis and the response will help you identify those who might be thinking of moving agents. Dialogue is a great early warning system.

Question 4: Will we look better online (Google/AllAgents/AllinLondon etc.)?

Answer: Yes.
Dialogue will channel negatives away from public sites whilst at the same time enabling you to invite your happy clients to post there.

Question 5: Will Dialogue make us money?

Answer: Yes.
More enquiries + more conversions + better client retention + a great image online = more profit.


We don't ask our new clients to sign a contract for six months. That gives them plenty of time to prove Dialogue's value.

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